Avinash Kaushik

Analytics Evangelist, Google

Marrying the Qualitative and Quantitative: A Match Made in Heaven for User Centered Design
50 minutes, 23mb, recorded 2007-09-11

Why is that website visitor here? The answer will always surprise you. Avinash Kaushik explains the "Highest Paid Person's Opinion" (HIPPO) and how it contrasts with expert analysis. He argues that qualitative and quantitative research, traditionally separate, are far more effective when combined, as unified web analytics reveal what's important to the individual user. A thorough analysis promises unexpected insights.

Kaushik admits that web analytics have a tendency to dehumanize people. Qualitative research can address that because it digs into "why" users use a web site. It allows you to "walk in your customer's shoes" with a minimal research budget. He describes an ActiveX plugin for web analytics that allows the close observation of interactions that you need to understand a user’s decisions. When qualitative and quantitative analysts collaborate, web analytics can clarify what's important to users.

He suggests we stay in perpetual beta, because nothing on the web is ever really final. Flexibility and change are constants in the on-line environment.

Avinash Kaushik is author of the recently published book Web Analytics 2.0 and the best selling book Web Analytics: An Hour A Day. He is the analytics evangelist for Google, and the co-founder and chief education officer for Market Motive, a web-based internet marketing training and certification company.


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