Topic: The Internet and the World Wide Web

This page shows 481 to 490 of 690 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | 101- | 111- | 121- | 131- | 141- | 151- | 161- | 171- | 181- | 191- | 201- | 211- | 221- | 231- | 241- | 251- | 261- | 271- | 281- | 291- | 301- | 311- | 321- | 331- | 341- | 351- | 361- | 371- | 381- | 391- | 401- | 411- | 421- | 431- | 441- | 451- | 461- | 471- | 481- | 491- | 501- | 511- | 521- | 531- | 541- | 551- | 561- | 571- | 581- | 591- | 601- | 611- | 621- | 631- | 641- | 651- | 661- | 671- | 681- | 691 | Older>>

Scott Lemon, Ben Galbraith - Technometria: Technology Travels

How do young people view the online experience? What are the implications of how life will be for people who have spent their entire lives online? Phil, Scott, and Ben discuss this and other topics related to recent conferences attended. Besides the whole issue of Millennials, they also assess the status of flash-based applications versus Ajax, as well as other methods available to make desktop based online applications.

Beth Kanter - Teaching Digital Immigrants

On this episode of Interviews with Innovators, Beth Kanter describes the strategies she uses to teach digital immigrants in non-profit organizations how to use Web 2.0 strategies to communicate and collaborate more effectively.

Chris Sacca - Unlicensed Spectrum: Tales from the Lamppost

As more and more services and opportunities become available on the World Wide Web, the gap between those who are connected and those who aren't is becoming an increasing problem. Access to the internet is certainly not yet ubiquitous, and where it is accessible the costs are often high, and the choices for service low. In this talk, Chris Sacca, the Head of Special Initiatives at Google, Inc., explains some of the trials and tribulations that Google faced while installing its free Wi-Fi network in Google's hometown of Mountain View, California.

Lee S. Dryburgh - Auto-Buddies: Connecting Relevant Strangers

With the rise of the Web 2.0 phenomenon, although the Web landscape has stepped up socially, telephony still lags behind. Though telephony is constantly evolving from a pair-wise audio stream to a multi-modal stream exchange, there's an enormous opportunity in this market to socially match relevant strangers with common interests. Lee S. Dryburgh, a network protocol engineer at University College, London (UCL) sketches a niche for such an opportunity in this talk.

Robert Cook - Technometria

Metaweb Technologies, Inc., builds infrastructure for Web application developers and publishers. The company designs and builds enabling technology for application developers and publishers who are creating a new kind of Web -- a Web that benefits from the power of people and machines. Co-founder Robert Cook joins Phil. Scott, and Ben to discuss the company's work. He reviews his career and discusses, the company's first major release. The group also discusses other related database topics.

Timo Hannay - Web 2.0, for Scientists

As director of web publishing for Nature Publishing Group, Timo Hannay is applying web 2.0 principles to the realm of science. His projects include: Connotea, a social bookmarking service for scientists; Nature Network, a social network for scientists; and Nature Precedings, a site where researchers can share and discuss work prior to publication.

Tero Ojanperä - Putting the Internet in Your Pocket

There is no such thing as a mobile Internet -- there is just the same Internet for everyone -- no matter how you access it. Nokia has worked to bring proven internet business models to the pockets of the world. Tero Ojanpera, the company's CTO, reviews how the technology is in place to increase the penetration of the internet business from the PC scale (millions) to mobile scale (billions).

Andrew Keen - The Cult of the Amateur

Despite the hype of social interaction and community as a result of the emerging internet, otherwise known as Web 2.0, there are those who have a contrarian view of how today's internet is killing our culture. Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with author Andrew Keen, who reflects on this trend and his latest book "The Cult of the Amateur."

Tessa Lau - Transfer of Experiential Knowledge

Collectively we hold a vast repository of knowledge about how to do all sorts of things on the web: order products, conduct searches, interact in social networks. But when we try to share that knowledge with others, our options are limited. We can write down sequences of actions, and maybe illustrate them with screenshots or even screencasts, but it would be great if we could transfer our experiential knowledge more directly. Jon Udell interviews Tessa Lau who's working with colleagues on a project that aims to make that direct transfer possible.

Interviews with Innovators - RESTful Web Services

Although Roy Fielding's now-infamous Ph.D. thesis popularized the term REST - otherwise known as Representational State Transfer - and defined its principles, there hasn't been a practical guide to the application of those principles. A new book by Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby, "RESTful Web Services," meets that need. In this Conversation with Innovators, the authors discuss what those principles are, and how to apply then in ways that make the programmable Web better - that is, "more uniform, better structured, and using the features of HTTP to greatest advantage."
This page shows 481 to 490 of 690 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | 101- | 111- | 121- | 131- | 141- | 151- | 161- | 171- | 181- | 191- | 201- | 211- | 221- | 231- | 241- | 251- | 261- | 271- | 281- | 291- | 301- | 311- | 321- | 331- | 341- | 351- | 361- | 371- | 381- | 391- | 401- | 411- | 421- | 431- | 441- | 451- | 461- | 471- | 481- | 491- | 501- | 511- | 521- | 531- | 541- | 551- | 561- | 571- | 581- | 591- | 601- | 611- | 621- | 631- | 641- | 651- | 661- | 671- | 681- | 691 | Older>>